Tuesday 4 January 2022

Animated Ad

Animated Ad - Future of Online Marketing

Which is your best animated ad ?

Or when did you last watched animated ad ?

Finding it difficult to recollect which animated ad you last viewed. It's obvious to not recollect because we are finding animated ads almost everywhere as it has become one of the important marketing strategies for businesses to make use of animated ad to promote their product or services.

What is Animated Ad ?

Animated ad is 10-15 seconds video or images used to communicate the customer the real purpose of the business product or service on digital platform. And also to create awareness of the brand. The ads can contain animated GIFs, Banners or it can be in the form of videos.

In recent times you would have seen advertisement containing elements of animation whether character animation or 3d modelling.Usually we are of the perception that animation is limited to use of only in movies. But with advancement in technology and time, the use of animation is just not limited to movies but its use is expanded in various fields.

We can see ample use of animation in the following industries: Entertainment, Advertisement,Education,Gaming. There are other industries that are making use of animation such as mechanical animation, medical animation and architect animation.

Best Animation Studio Bangalore

Use of Animation in Advertising Field

We can find extensive use of animation in advertising field. It not only serves the purpose of clearly communicating the idea of the product but also acts as a way of entertainment and helps engage the audience and leave an impression.

Recent studies show videos are getting more engagement than any other content marketing strategies.

There are various reasons businesses are opting for animated ads to promote their brand. They are:

Firstly, animation are fun to watch and entertains the audience

Helps in higher viewer engagement

Project the exact purpose of the product

Animated ads are short and clear

Its cost effective when compared to offline marketing

Animated commercials are creative

Animation ads helps save cost of production

Where to advertise

Recent survey shows that the majority of the population is spending more time on the internet, so it is apt to share the videos on social media sites such as facebook, linkedin, instagram, twitter and Youtube. Also you can make Animated GIFs and post on the website. It's one useful way to keep the user engaged for a longer time.

Cost of Production

When it comes to cost to create animated ad find the Best Animation Studio in Bangalore. Nowadays businesses are not hesitating to spend on animated ad this is because it is a great tool of marketing. It saves the cost of location for shooting and post production costs. You just require a professional Animation Studio with creative team and your job will be done.

Finally to conclude animation is here for long period mainly used for entertainment purpose. But recently it has expanded its reach and is used for greater marketing purpose. Businesses are understanding the importance of animated ads as it leads to improving site visit and getting good amount of sales conversion.

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